Reading week in review

This will most probably be short and sweet as I have finished reading nothing this week but I have discovered that another genre I loved when I was younger has lost it’s luster for me. I have six or seven books by Karen Rose on my shelf. Someone must have recommended her to me as being a good writer of romantic suspense. I’m 90% into one of her titles “You Belong to Me’.  As always in these types of books there is a killer gunning for our heroine and a hunk standing between her and death. I’ve doggedly read it but it isn’t anything I cannot wait to get home to finish reading. I’m wondering if the last few years of heroines able to care for themselves has soured romantic suspense for me or if it is my continuing inability to suspend disbelief. In any case once the library resumes its book sales I’ll be donating my copies for someone else to enjoy.

In other bookish news I decided to help out a used bookstore that was running a campaign of get 6 books for 30 bucks. I told them my preferred genres along with who not to send and I got my package the other day. When I opened the package it was almost like stepping into my hometown’s used bookstore as most of the titles were from the 80s; yellowed and with that very distinct “Sitting on the shelves forever smell.”. I’ve read most of the titles already so they too will be going to the book sale but there were a couple of titles I’ll take a look at. One of them is a medical mystery with, gasp, only 200 some odd pages. To think this was a novel back in the day 😊 I’m hoping it will be kinda fun.

What I’m Reading this week

The aforementioned You Belong to Me as well as Fable by Adrienne Young. I’m enjoying the setting of that one. I’m also listening to A Murderous Relation by Deanna Raybourn. You cannot go wrong with Stoker and Veronica.

What I’m watching now

I’ve given the new show Debris two weeks of viewing and I’ll keep watching it. Both the main characters are a little too dour and I keep hoping a Walter type from Fringe will crop up. Resident Alien continues to grow and can give me the giggles. Anybody else watching these? Opinons? Other new science fictional shows I’m missing on non pay channels?

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